Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today I made an interesting observation. I’m in love with my new phone. Yes I have said it, I LOVE MY NEW PHONE! So much so that Loida has admitted jealousy. She said that I spend more time with my phone than I do with her, you know what? She’s right.

The intimacy I have shared with my phone far, surpasses the times I spend with my wife. The slow touching of her screen, the opening up of her browser, playing with her apps……ooops! Just kidding there is nothing that can compare to the love that my wife Loida gives me. It’s unconditional!

But how many of us have a personal connection with their phone? You see it more and more, everywhere you go. There are even laws created so that we can handle our phones properly. (So that we don’t kill each other on the streets). With the new technology available to these phones how can you not have a dependency? Internet, navigation, and video, just to name a few. Now processors have hit 1 gig, the new 1 gig snap dragon processor has taken cell phones from their humble brick-like beginnings to what now some have called a family member.

Does this entice you? Does this make you want it? If so then you’re who I’m talking about. Welcome to tech gadgets anonymous.

My name is Rey and I have a phone addiction. Well it’s really an addiction to gadgets, but still a phone is considered a gadget. I’ve had many of gadgets (phones) in my life, from pda like phones to Crackberry’s (blackberry) RIM makes such an awful mess of everything don’t they? The new phone I have fallen in love with? It’s called the HTC HD2 for T mobile. With a 1 gig processor and windows powered os, there is nothing that can compare, at least until November, when windows releases the new 7 platform. Until then this phone is the bee’s knee’s. I would like to see if there are more like me out there.

Addiction is bad no matter what the object. My wife Loida has an addiction for shoes and her most recent blog is what gave me the idea of blogging about my own addiction. Her blog name even displays her obsession, but what was I going to do? Name my blog “Phone guy’s corner”? Nah! Well that’s all for now. Laters

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