Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm coming out!!

That’s right friends I’m coming out of the closet! And you will hear it first. I AM NOT GAY!! Well I’m sure that's what most people who know me, already know. What they don’t know is that “sorry I’m not gay” is what I have had to say for a long time.

It started when I was about 22 years old, well ok longer than that, but when It started me questioning myself. I was 22, and was invited to a party by a co-worker who had a brother that is gay. The beer and dancing went on all night long. When the party ended I offered to stay and help clean up. This is where it gets steamy!! Ha ha, jk. But after we finished cleaning, me my friend and his brother stayed up later just talking, soon my friend would go to bed and it was just me and the brother. Sounds like a story right? But I tell you I’m not making this up. I couldn’t even if I tried.

Well we stayed up all night just talking about all sorts of subjects. When I looked out the window, and saw that the sun was coming up. I told him that I really have to go, and that I had a great time hanging out with him. His first reply, was for me to just admit it. Admit what? I asked. Admit that you’re gay he said. What? Me gay? Sorry bro. I’m not gay. Just because I enjoyed your company, talked about fun stuff, and drank with you till the sun came up doesn’t mean that I’m gay. His response, no, not that, although it was nice. It’s just that, the things you talked about, the things you like, they're all qualities that most gay men have. What!! Gay qualities????

I had no idea that the things I liked and appreciated were considered gay. I was oblivious to this, and so the years went by and “sorry, I’m not gay” was something I said regularly. So, now I know the next question you might want to know. What are these qualities?

Well again I have to go years back. Stay tuned..

1 comment:

  1. "Everyone loves you when you are bi." That's what my husband says because he too has THOSE special qualities... and he's not Bi.

    Fun post.
